Shortly I will be attempting a 14 day kick start meal plan in order to help me introduce raw food to my diet. I am doing this for a couple of reasons. I have always been interested in the power of raw food and I have re-discovered books in my bookcase that I have had for a number of years now. Lately I have been feeling pretty 'Blah' and when I look in the mirror I don't really like what I see. A lot of it has been emotional, and how I have been feeling about myself, and some of it has been the inevitable change which happens when you approach a certain age!
So, I have decided that I will 'DO' something about it and be accountable by posting this.
My naturopath has advised that a lot of the problems I am having are coming from the liver, and after extensive investigation, I have come to the conclusion that this is the best way to go for me. Can't hurt anyway!
I don't want to go into my next half century feeling tired, bloated, unable to cope. Even though initially I might feel worse, before I feel better, I want to give it a go.
So, once I have it all set up and cleaned out the pantry, stocked the fridge of fresh food and veggies, I will include you in my journey.
I know it won't be easy, but making an effort to post this will help me keep on the path. Any encouragement would be good too. And my efforts might even inspire someone else! Hope so.
My fridge should look like this soon!!!
I am very interested in what you are doing with your diet, not sure I could stick to it if it were me... but I will certainly do my best to encourage you along Vivienne. Its not long till you turn 50, make it a wonderful turning point, wish we could be there to help you celebrate.
ReplyDeleteP.S When I first read your post, I pictured you eating a raw chop... sick sense of humour I know! :-/
Will catch up soon....xx
Thanks Sandie. Can use all the encouragement I can get! Thank god it is only the veggies that are raw. Ha Ha