
Monday, May 7, 2012

A bit more on the Journals

Recently I had the absolute pleasure in taking one of DJ Pettitt's classes, organised by Bevlea Ross - Queen of Arts in Melbourne.  All that know DJ will agree with me that she is the most amazing person, and one of the best teachers!  I had such a wonderful time.
As you can see I am not the best photographer, but it gives you an idea of how the journal is progressing. 
I am gradually adding to it bit by bit.  The front cover has a texture to it by using modelling paste!  Great technique, which I am sure I will be using again.
The inner pages are made from watercolour paper that has been washed with paint (very randomly I might add) and then stitched and collaged.  I have only just started to decorate each page, and realise that they are going to take hours and hours, so this is definately a work in progress, but also a labour of Love!

1 comment:

  1. this is turning out to be amazingly, stunning.... love the cover, the colours ... its really V E R Y beautiful Vivienne. Looking forwards to seeing the finished item .. work in progress.
